Category Archives: Photography

“Line” Design Project: Construction Day

So after frantically trying to gather all my materials, I finally began and nearly finished creating my art piece! This work is totally interactive and the pipes slide in and out so anyone can create their own version. In the photo below, it is missing one tube because it cracked. It will soon be replaced and the entire box will be filled. It was a long, cold day in my garage but with some help from my dad, I completed the construction! Now all I have to do is clean it up and decide on whether I should paint or stain it tomorrow.

Though the design is somewhat simple, making this piece took a lot more consideration than I originally thought. Because I had rendered it out on SolidWorks, it was already scaled out. But because I was using a 1/8 circular saw blade, the loss of 1/8 of material had to be taken into account for the measurements of all of the cuts I made. So if a plank was supposed to be 11.5 inches, I had to add .125 when I measured, knowing that the .125 would be removed in the cutting process. I also had to take into consideration that I did not want the pipes TOO tightly packed so they could easily slide around one another, so I left a small space inside the frame (meaning I made the bottom and top horizontal pieces of wood a tad bit longer than necessary.)  Since it had to fit six pipes across, I measured the diameter of the pipes, multiplied by six, added .125 for material loss, and another small fraction for the extra space.

Another measurement I made included the exact diameter and length of each pipe because though they were supposed to all be the same, there are always going to be some small variation in size. Because my smallest pipe was  almost a half inch smaller than all of the other ones, I had to base our final cut length of pipe off of the smallest pipe.  I only had enough pipes to make the EXACT amount of tubes, so it was crucial I use the pipes in the most efficient way.

923129_10153811922530623_1240520675_n(Almost) Finished Piece




Safety First!


Full Length Pipes and Circular Saw




Wood Planks


Cutting the Pipes


The Wooden Frame


Constructing the Wooden Frame




Measuring Pipes

Spacial Perception

I have been a worried child since birth, but I wasn’t diagnosed with an anxiety disorder until high school. From a young age I was constantly worried and obsessing about tornadoes and cavities, but as I got older I learned there were a lot worse things in the world. While most kids were going through their stage of feeling invincible, I was doing quite the opposite. Everything scared me and it was overwhelming. In high school, I started having constant panic attacks and thought I was going crazy. Every time I felt my anxiety levels rising I thought I was having a heart-attack and made my mom rush me to the doctors. After all of my EKGs and blood tests came back normal, my doctor finally explained to me what was going on.

Most people don’t understand why this is such a hard disorder to live with. They think, “Well… you aren’t dying. So why are you scared?” My usual response ends up being something like, “If I held a loaded gun to your head and told you I wouldn’t pull the trigger… are you still going to be scared?” It is often the unknown that scares me the most. I have many triggers, but more often than not panic attacks creep up at unexpected moments. Public speaking, crowded rooms, large bodies of water, medicine, outer-space, and sudden death are some of the few triggers of my anxiety.

Having an anxiety disorder has affected my spacial perception in many ways. Walls begin to cave in and my peripheral vision starts to blacken. I feel everyone’s eyes on me, judging my every move. Everything feels like it is trying to trap me in, which often leads to me running outside where I feel like I can breathe. Time slows down and speech turns to gibberish. It is an extremely scary experience to involuntarily disengage from reality. My heart is usually beating out of my chest while my brain is trying to convince me that I’m dying. This makes going to school very difficult for me sometimes, but as the years go on I am learning to control and cope with my anxiety. I can no longer drink caffeine or take any type of medicine (Tylenol, cough medicine, flu shots, muscle relaxers, anti-depressants, etc.) without it causing me intense anxiety.

Anxiety does not only change my spacial perception, but how I perceive the world as a whole. I am extremely sensitive to everything around me. I use art to express these emotions and turn all the chaos inside my head into a piece of work.

Sample Anxiety Photography Portfolio

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